OET Listening 🎧 Part B Episode 05



25. You hear a doctor and a nurse reviewing a coma patient.

What is the Doctor checking for?

A The symptoms the patient is exhibiting

B The severity of the patient's coma.

C The range of mobility of the patient.


26. You hear a consultant emergency doctor talking to a patient following an accident.

What is she doing?

A Explaining why she is removing the neck brace

B Clarifying the need for multiple scans and surgery

C Outlining the full extent of the patient's injuries


27. You hear a clinical researcher introducing a professional development workshop.

What is the aim of the workshop?

A. To give participants strategies to gain greater trust from the public

B. To introduce participants to the basics of mathematical statistics.

C. To lead participants to a deeper critical understanding of research


28. You hear an emergency ward doctor directing her team while treating an accident victim.

What is the doctor most concerned about?

A. The severe injury to the patient's left leg

B. The possibility of other less apparent injuries.

C. The limited circulation of blood around the injury


29. You hear a doctor speaking to a woman who has presented with heart palpitations.

What treatment does the patient require?

A. Intravenous medication

B. A neck massage

C. Training in breath control


30. You hear an emergency paramedic talking to an accident and emergency doctor about a patient who has fallen from his motorcycle.

What is the paramedic doing?

A. Confirming what happened to the man in the accident

B. Summarizing the patient's injuries and treatment

C. suggesting appropriate pain medication to administer

ANSWER KEY : Scroll down


25. A

26. C

27. C

28. B

29.  A

30.  B
